Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Taylor's Top Ten List and TODDLERS!

Well, it is impossible to write this without wanting to share a couple of recent happenings with Derek, Taylor's 2 1/2 year old brother.
The other night, after Derek's bath, I was sitting on the floor putting his lotion on, with the pajamas ready to go. He was standing up, so I asked him to go grab a diaper for me... Derek's response, "Why, Mommy? Are your arms broken?" Hmmm, I'm picturing a big smart aleck during the teen years.
Another recent adventure - We have to drive 3 1/2 hours to Oklahoma City for Taylor's therapy appointments. Derek is potty-training and Taylor still wears diapers. Two hours into the drive, Derek has to go potty. I swing the car into the first place I see - Sonic. With a Bathroom. Whew! I have to take them both in the bathroom, and change Taylor's diaper as well, but of course there is no changing table. And did I mention that Taylor is fascinated with the toilet right now? Well, Derek is on the toilet going potty, and I had Taylor standing up as I tried to change her diaper... I look up to see her putting toilet paper in the toilet, her hand going right into the stream of potty... then I try to pick her up and away, only to have her put her arm around me getting some of the potty on my face. Oh yeah, these are the moments that Motherhood is made of. And finally, as Taylor's Mom, I'm taking the liberty of mind-reading and creating a Top Ten List for her, since she can't quite tell us yet. Here goes:
Top Ten Things that Taylor thinks are Really COOL since Activation:
10. Water running from faucet
9. Wind chimes (we always have wind in Kansas!)
8. Wind, especially blowing through the trees (yes, there are some trees in Kansas.)
7. Lawnmowers
6. Taylor pretending to Sleep & Wake Up game, her own twist on an AV therapy game
5. Taylor slamming cabinet doors
4. Taylor throwing her cup to the floor
3. Our cat meowing
2. When anyone Sings Songs!
1. Getting to hear her family laugh - she always starts laughing too!


  1. I spit some water out of my mouth when I read you had potty wiped all over your face;). While in the moment these things can be so frustrating, they are still the little things that make this whole adventure so special. sounds like you guys are making great progress - keep at it and save travels!

  2. I'm so glad Jason finally mentioned your blog to me. Wow, what a journey your family has been on the past few months!! I'm glad the activation has gone well. I can't even imagine how amazing it must be for Taylor to hear all the little sounds we don't even notice anymore. We'll be praying that everything continues to go well.

    I love the potty story too!

    Katie Freed

  3. Okay, totally laughing at your potty story. Isn't it great having 2 toddlers?! :-) I love hearing about all the new wonderful things Taylor is experiencing.
